Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Final Project Instructions

Due: Friday, July 15th.

Your group will give a presentation to the leaders of the country you have been studying in which you will suggest 3 ways that they can improve the quality of life of the citizens on their country. Each group will have  15 minutes to present. You CAN NOT go over 15 minutes. There will then be 5 minutes for your classmates to ask your group questions about your presentations.

Other rules:
1. Your suggestions should not conflict with any core cultural values.

2. In your presentation you need to demonstrate the need for your suggestions. (In other words... if you tell them to solve a problem you need to give evidence that it is a problem.  Pictures, stories for citizens, charts and graphs from world organizations... etc).

3. You should make an action plan for at least one of your suggestions showing how the leaders can begin to implement your suggestions or show examples of how other cultures have implemented your suggestions.

START ON THIS PROJECT NOW. NOW. NOW.  Do not wait until next Thursday night. You don't have a lot of free time so this project should take you at least a week of preparation and teamwork.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. I am here for you!!


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